August 27, 2010, 4:01 PM — I see you. There you are, over there, hiding behind your computer. May I see what’s on your screen? No? You’re embarrassed, aren’t you? I’ve caught you in the midst of playing one of those “free” online games. You know, that free game that you’ve spent $125 on so far this month, and there’s still five days left before the first.
Oh, I know, you’re going to argue with me. The game most certainly is free, you’re going to say. They didn’t charge you any kind of subscription fee, or any set-up fee, or anything, you’re going to say. Why, you got started for nothing but a small investment in time. The money you’ve spent was not required in any way; you have spent it of your own volition. What could possibly be wrong with that?
The Hook, the Line, and the Sinker
In my opinion, there is a great deal wrong with that. The producers of the game (you name it, it doesn’t make any difference) have put together a slick advertising package to draw you into the game. The ad features the word “free” of course, and is usually accompanied by visually pleasing graphics, some of which are slightly erotic in nature, that appeal to your baser moralities, and promise a fantastic voyage, the like of which you have never been on before.
They usually deliver. The game is fun, in an absorbing sort of way, the graphics might not be all that you thought they would be, but they are pretty good. Your playing, you’re smiling; hey, life is good.
Soon, however, you discover that the game is even more fun if you buy a few things from the “shop” (always open for business, 24/7); and, not only that, but also those bought items give you an advantage over your adversaries. The more you buy, the bigger the advantage; woo doggies, we’re having fun now.
The next time you look up, you discover that you now have a major investment in the game, and to quit at this point would mean to lose that investment of time and money. Ergo, you can’t quit now! We must battle on to the bitter end; after all, you are playing for the bragging rights of your clan!
The Sad and the Inevitable
The problem is, you’ve become very much like that character in the Roger Miller song, “Dang Me.” You’ve “done spent the groceries and half the rent.” Not only that, you’ve become a hermit, a recluse. Your own family doesn’t even recognize you anymore; you’ve become one of the unkempt and the unwashed. You now live in front of your computer; you eat and drink there, you doze in and out of tortured sleep; if you could, you would even go to the bathroom there. To snooze is to lose, sleep too long, and one of your enemies might steal your prized possessions. You even play the game at work, on your computer there. You don’t have to worry about being caught; you’re boss is playing too! Win, win, you must win; you will do whatever it takes…
Then, you begin to notice a few other things, things that had eluded you until now. In spite of all the money and time you’ve invested, you notice that some of your fellow players are still way ahead of you; how can this be? Could it be that some of them are…cheating?
The realization hits you like a heavy punch to the heart; yes, you realize, there IS cheating going on in the game. In spite of the promises of the gamekeeper that “no cheating is allowed,” and if cheating is discovered, the offenders “will be removed,” it is still happening.
You remember reading the “big no-no” when you first began. It clearly stated that “having duplicate accounts was strictly prohibited,” and you believed them. You believed that they would punish offenders by making them close their extra accounts, so you played by the rules. Gee, it’s just too bad the rest of them weren’t playing be the rules as well…
The Evil is Encouraged
It’s not like its any secret anymore; in fact, it is openly touted on the chat board. The evil one’s actually brag in public about how well they have cheated; there’s ol’ Brad from Omaha bragging about “having six accounts now,” God only knows where he gets the free time. You are already putting six to eight hours a day into your one measly account; how much time would be required if you had two or three?
And why aren’t these people being punished, why are they being allowed to go on cheating, all the while they are beating your butt to death?
Money Talks and BS Walks
They are not being disciplined because more accounts equals more money for the producers. The more accounts they have, the more cash they are banking; they don’t care that a lot of that money is coming from rules-breakers. If, at the end of the day, there is more cash in the till than there was the day before, they are happy. Go on brother, go to the “shop” and buy yourself more coins/gems/jewels, etc. You know you want them.
All you have to do is explain to junior why he can’t ever get on the puter anymore, and to your wife, also. Why wouldn’t they understand, can’t they see how important this is to you?
Besides, you can quit any time you want to…can’t you?
Truth and Beauty
The beauty of poker lies in the fact that it is so brutally, wonderfully honest. You know going in that it’s you against them, your pile of chips against their pile. If you get tired of playing and want to goof off for a week, nobody is going to steal your pile of chips; you can carry it with you. When you come back to play again, nothing has changed; it’s still you versus them.
The same is true in many other games of course; you know at the outset what your assets are, and what you have to do to improve your lot. Their beauty lies in their honesty; you are on a level field with everyone else.
There are no bells, no whistles. Nor is there a “magic” wheel or slot machine to give you things you don’t have coming. Above all else, there is no “shop” to go to and buy victory. You have to play the hand you’re dealt, just like real life; that’s the beautiful part of it. You can cry about bad fortune if you wish, but hey, tomorrow’s another day. Moreover, at the end of this day, you are still smiling; in spite of losing, some of your stress has melted away in a pleasant hour or two of playing a game. You feel better, not worse. And, you know what? You still have your paycheck left as well…
The Real Losers Identified
The real losers are the one’s that are still playing the game you were drawn into so artfully by the game-masters, wherever they are. With seemingly unlimited time, and money that grows on trees, they are still chasing the elusive crown of victory. No matter that all the color has drained from their faces, their bodies bloated, and they are now social pariahs in real life; they still strive to be the all-potent, the most feared, the owner of the throne, the champion of the game.
The sad part of it is, they are in actuality the biggest losers. They are the ones who have spent the most money, thrown away the most time, and gone to bed the most stressed of anyone playing. All of this they have done for a cyber crown? For a mythical championship, for bragging rights in an effusive and always changing world of millions of people they don’t even know?
They have my best wishes, and my highest hopes. I hope that at the end of the day, their families are still washed and fed. I hope they still have their 401k accounts, and their marriage. I hope that some day they will awaken from their stupor, and start living real lives and solving real problems. I hope they still have their sanity, and will still be able to have real conversations, face-to-face, with real people. Heck, if they just survive, that will be good enough for me…
I feel sorry for them; they are alcoholics being offered another drink, child molesters being led onto a playground. It must be hell living in a sunless, undisciplined world of selfishness.
Speaking of which…have you seen your spouse lately?
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