The last four letters of American is I can, the last four letters of Republican is I can, and the last four letters of Democrats is rats. Need I say more?
My rendering here is not verbatim, but it is very close.
Faulty and Uncreative Reasoning
Actually, upon reading their post my first reaction was they don’t need to say more, but less would’ve been wonderful, especially to me. They have taken three perfectly good words, and isolated parts of them to create a sound bitethat basically has no meaning. While their intention (demonizing the Democrats) is clear, the bite gives no reason why we should do that. Why not just come out and say, “I love Republicans and I hate Democrats, and here are the reasons why.” This declaration would then be followed by list of their ideas to prove their case.
Word Butchering 101
I suggest that if we are going to get in the word-butchering business, we don’t we go all the way with it? You know, let’s go the whole nine yards; let’s tear up everything.
For starters, we’ll completely change the words Republicans and Democrats to Republiwonts and Demodonts. They didn’t mean much in their previous forms anyway. Then, and this is a big then, we can bastardize those two new words as well, and create a brand new, shiny, political party called the Iwontidonts! By golly, that may be the best new word yet, and it certainly seems to fit the political morass of our country today.
The word would be a sound bite all by itself: “The Iwontidonts, the party that won’t and don’t do anything at all.” Hey, it works for me…
A Simplified Process
Having only one political party would certainly simplify the voting process. Before you start screaming about that, think for a minute. This is basically the case nowadays anyway, isn’t it? I really doesn’t matter whom you vote for; you’re still going to end up with the same pot of beans. As soon as they have our vote, they completely forget us, and go on with their own agenda of accumulating more money and more power. At least, that’s the way it seems to me.
Our world has rapidly become an “us vs. them” world, instead of a “we” world. It’s become an ugly world, and sound bites such as the one alluded to at the start, don’t help any. In fact, it is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Disingenuous bites such as the one above, only serve to make us more combative, and less cooperative.
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