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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thoughts About Penn State

Thoughts About Penn State...

We dream, and we dream about myriad things, both good and bad.

We dream in colors, we dream in shadows, we dream of persons and places we both know and don't know, simultaneously.

Sometimes, we dream of places we've been in other dreams, multiple times. Usually, this makes us happy; sometimes, not.

Occasionally, when we dream, we have power and are in control; submissive people walk around us, aware and afraid, but yet – not fleeing.

We dream we take advantage of these situations, and force our wills upon them. We feel no remorse; they are ours, and we can do with them what we will.

Some of us remember our dreams, some of us don't; it doesn't matter. They are stuck with us forever, either subconsciously or consciously, or both. They never leave, they are always there; in many ways like the person that loses a foot, but still feels it there constantly.

Often, we are haunted by our dreams; they carry over into our waking hours, a constant little itch under our skin. They are things we wish to carry out in our real lives, like breaking par at the golf course or getting a date with that “really hot” new person at work. Perhaps we will hit the lottery and retire to the Islands. Not often, but sometimes, these dreams come true, most likely aided by the fact that we desire them so much.

But...sometimes we dream of evil things, gross things, things that people in a normal society just don't do. Unfortunately...sometimes those dreams come true too!

When they do, we most likely didn't want them to come true, but still, we reap the “rewards” from them unashamedly. We do that, even though we know that someday there will be hell to pay.

Just ask Jerry Sandusky and his enablers at Penn State, they know...now.

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